Fast Track Investigations Ltd.

  • Licenced Private Investigators
  • Professionally Trained
  • Efficient and cost-effective

We have been providing superior investigation services to both private and corporate clients, such as insurance firms and law firms, since 2000. Our sophisticated understanding and knowledge of complex legal issues greatly facilitates the investigation process and minimizes client costs since we know our business. Learn moreabout us.

Fast Track Investigation Services

We're a highly trained team of professionals and experts who provide surveillance investigation as well as corporate collateral & background investigations. We specialize in three types of investigation services, geared to specific industries.

24/7 Surveillance Services

With state of the art video cameras and equipment to vans and vehicles retro-fitted with tinted windows, we deliver professional surveillance services that produce only the best quality evidence. Learn more

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Data Security for Private Investigation

Personal Information and Data Security

Your personal information and evidence generated as a result of the investigation is handled with the utmost confidence with security in mind. We utilize the latest technologies with data stored on our servers located in Canada that utilize 256 AES encryption software (in compliance with FIPPA).


We strive for excellence and have high performance standards in order to maintain our commitment to you to provide quality results in a timely fashion

Corporate Investigator Vancouver

About Investigations Services in British Columbia

We offer a range of private investigation services including Corporate Investigation Services, Domestic Investigations, Surveillance Investigation, and Litigation Support. Find out how we take our client's information very seriously with our Data Security Standards
